The Sub-Committee to Scrutinize the Implementation of Recommendations Given by the Committee on Public Accounts met recently under the chairmanship of MP Tissa Attanayake.
A group of officials from the Auditor General’s Department, including Auditor General Mr. W.P.C. Wickramaratne, were also present on this occasion. Basic matters were discussed to follow up on the delay and non-implementation of the recommendations given by the COPA and to prepare a proper mechanism to take relevant measures against it.
Since this mechanism can be applied to the Committee on Public Enterprises (COPE), it was also decided to meet again and review suggestions with the participation of the COPE Chair.
This sub-committee was appointed by the COPA under the chairmanship of State Minister Lasantha Alagiyawanna to find solutions to the issue of not implementing certain recommendations given by the COPA and the COPE over the years.